by pahadmin

The main goal of education is to lead people to freedom of thought. At that time, people have intellectual clarity, can listen to themselves, understand the world, and have a strong will with personal goals; From there, they can choose a peaceful life for themselves.

Each of Play at Home's products is designed and made by the hands of craftsmen - those who dream of creating decent toys for children. PLAY, for young children, is a serious activity; Therefore, "working tools" also need to be neat. There are some stages where Play at Home must use support machines to increase the durability of the product, but overall, enthusiasm still extends throughout all stages.

Depending on the age, we will have suggestions on suitable products for children, avoid being too easy and making older children lose interest, avoid being too difficult and make younger children give up early and fail to achieve the point of using your hands to create. the item you desire and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

The main goal of education is to lead people to freedom of thought. At that time, people have intellectual clarity, can listen to themselves, understand the world, and have a strong will with personal goals. From there, they can choose for themselves a peaceful life.

The value of Play at Home products is placed on creating suitable products so that children have the determination and excitement to perfect the gadgets and toys and then appreciate their own labor.

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