by pahadmin

“Play is work”

For children, playing is a serious activity, just like we adults work every day. So toys are also real "labor tools". The more suitable and better the quality of the tools, the more perfect the results will be created.

Understanding that, Play at Home produces products that are handcrafted toys that are carefully cared for, containing the enthusiasm of the craftsman. We hope that kind products will not only bring joy to childhood, but also great values that contribute to children's development.

Team of Play at Home including preschool teachers and English teachers; With the advantage of knowledge and experience of over 15 years working with children, we always observe and constantly improve products to bring the best experience for children. 


Products at Play at Home

Play at Home develops two main product lines:

Including felt stuffed animal KITs, crossbody bags and pencil cases. Each KIT includes a pre-punched fabric pattern, a plastic needle (large size suitable for children's movements), and sewing thread.

The products help children become familiar with sewing, practice fine motor skills, form perseverance, and at the same time create beautiful, valuable items.

Winifred Bond, crafts teacher at Michael Oak Waldorf School, While reliving our emotions, we also explained to us how craft activities benefit young children – supporting physical development, hand-eye coordination, as well as How making and creating things helps build self-confidence. Through this process, she says, children understand how objects are made, and develop an interest in learning about those ways. “The children realized they could make something beautiful and useful, and express themselves artistically through it,” she said.

  • Cloth doll

The doll line currently includes Mia Rabbit/Mía made from rustic fabric, with a friendly appearance and soft and warm feel.

Clothes and accessories are individually designed, giving Mia/Mía a well-groomed look, ready to accompany her in many creative and love-filled stories.

“When children create imaginary worlds and play pretend with dolls, they first communicate out loud, then absorb information,” says Sarah Gerson, a PhD neuroscientist at Cardiff University. messages about the thoughts, feelings, and sensations of others. This can have positive and lasting effects on children, such as improving communication and emotional processing levels, as well as building social skills, such as empathy. emotions , which can later be internalized to build and form habits that last a lifetime.”

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