Home » Blog » Healing Story: BUTTERFLY PARADISE


by pahadmin

This world is so wonderful, flowers are nourished by mother earth and bloom brightly, green leaves are cooled by the wind every day, drops of morning dew glistening on branches act as a mirror for all small creatures to wake up every morning. All things protect, embrace and cherish each other to live.

There, under an old guava tree, there was a Caterpillar family living in a small nest made of soil, brothers and sisters living together happily. Elder brothers, sisters, and younger siblings share the work of taking care of the house, everyone shares joys and sorrows together.

Every day, the older Caterpillars will lead the younger Caterpillars to climb to the tops of trees, where the young green leaves are, to find food. The worms ate very deliciously, the large young leaves were soon eaten clean by the worms, the bellies were full and swollen. When everyone was full, they returned to their small house together and played together, their laughter and voices resounding happily.

On another beautiful morning, standing from the corner of her yard, she saw a ripe red wild apple on a high branch.

The elder sister loudly called out to her younger siblings:

Wake up quickly guys, that apple must be very sweet!

The caterpillar quickly woke up the children:

Hurry up, if the birds arrive first, the apple will be gone!

The little worms stretched, crawled out of the warm blanket, and prepared to leave. As they walked, they hummed the melody of the wind and forest leaves.

The elder worm followed, the older worm followed, the younger worm followed, brother and sister followed each other climbing up the apple tree top. The caterpillar playfully tilted its body and danced in front of the morning dew drops. After an hour of hard crawling, they all arrived and the whole family competed to eat each piece of the sweet apple, digging several tunnels through the red apple. By late afternoon, everyone was full so they returned together.

The night falls peacefully, the weather is warm, the little worms sleep soundly in warm blankets. Only he was itchy all over his body, so he wriggled all night.

That night in his dream, he saw his parents, they carried beautiful colorful, iridescent wings. They told him about the Butterfly Paradise where they lived. When worms have grown up, when they have seen enough of the beauty of the world, when they know how to love and share, that worm can reincarnate and go to Butterfly Paradise. There, they are given magical wings, can fly very high, and live a different, happy life. In that Paradise, Butterflies will fly everywhere, taking care of the flowers and helping the trees have fruit. That sweet fruit, the butterflies and the tree give to life together.

The sun rose, the whole family woke up, and Mr. Sau told them about the dream he had last night. 

The child then asked: 

So you want to go to Butterfly Paradise, right?

Another baby caterpillar continued:

It must be very beautiful there and you will have wings to fly.

Deep sister continued: 

And then each of us will have wings and go to Heaven.

He smiled and said: 

That's right, I will help the tree have more fruit, you can eat delicious fruit to your heart's content and then we will meet again one day.“.

In the small house, the pale yellow rays of sunlight shined through the crack of the door, and the worms dazedly dreamed of the beautiful prospect of Butterfly Paradise.

Then, he prepared for his journey. A few days later, I said goodbye to the children and climbed a high tree branch, chose a big leaf, crawled inside, curled up and made a warm cocoon. The caterpillar slept for a long time, waiting for the day he turned into a butterfly.

In the days that followed, the caterpillars still crawled out to eat young leaves. Occasionally looking up, they saw fluttering butterfly wings in the distance. They smiled and thought to themselves:

My butterfly is also somewhere around here. This year's apple season will probably have more fruit than before, because there are butterflies helping the trees. See you Butterfly someday.

Written by: Hong Lien (Team PlayatHome)

Photo source: Internet

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