Mia is an adorable rabbit in a family, where she lives happily in a small underground cave near the base of the largest oak tree in Green Grass. Unlike other large rabbit families residing here, Daddy Rabbit and Mommy Rabbit have only Mia. They love her more than anything in the world. Dad always gives her wise advice, and Mom always keeps her clean and makes sure she is always full. Mia is dreamy and loves keeping everything clean. She likes to stroll about to watch the sky and clouds, and play with her neighbors...
Do you guys want to be friends with Mia?
Mia is 34cm tall, made from cotton linen, stuffed with high-quality polyfiber made in Korea. Mia owns a collection of clothes and accessories with various designs and materials, suitable for children to mix-and-match. Especially, Mia also has a Christmas collection with all festive colors. All designs are exclusive to Play at Home that you cannot find anywhere else.
All PLAY AT HOME dolls and clothes are:
🌼Exclusively designed by PLAY AT HOME and you can't find it anywhere else. The product is stuffed by hand, with details of eyes, nose and mouth all hand-embroidered, bringing life and distinctive features to each and every doll. Clothing items are of elegant colors, with trendy styles, and carefully sewn. All designs have an inner lining, and resemble 90% real clothes for real people. Clothes are attached with wooden buttons to help children practice fine motor skills.
🌼No toxic dyes, no itching or allergies for sensitive skin.
🌼Before delivery, all cloth dolls and clothes are washed with biological laundry detergent. We also apply a little organic lavender essential oil onto the doll's cheeks and chest to bring the child a pleasant, floral kiss.
Jenny H Roberts –
A beautiful cuddling companion for my daughters. It's well-made, soft, beautiful and just the right size for their little hands. Great value for money. Highly recommend it.